Wednesday 26 June 2013

Give me a break!

When I was in my mid teens, I took part in a major theatre production organised by the youth group within the parish church I used to attend.  We adapted and staged Jonathan Livingstone The Seagull!

Among other leaders of the youth group, I was involved in all stages of the production, from the adaptation and building the script, to props, costumes and even choreographed one of the dances. It was a tremendously enriching experience that inspired me to take up Dance and Performing Arts, although later I was vigorously discouraged by my parents who couldn't see how a job in such sector could make me a rich and happy person - bless them!

One of the ideas that started seeding itself into my very core was to do more, combining youth and the arts, one of the ways - in my personal view - with which youngsters could have been kept away from the streets and avoid them getting in to trouble.

This idea never left me, even if I ended up doing something completely different later in life than I should have done.  While running these workshops now, and exploring the theory behind Drama with this small bunch of young people, that seed has come back reminding me that there's still time...

Nevertheless, I'm going to take a sabbatical period right now, to reflect on what has been done so far, and where we go from here! It is fair to do so because today last year I started this blog (the jouirney started a long time ago!) If You happen to know about Mercury going retrograde from today, You'll know approximately how long this period is going to last!

'Till next time!

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