Saturday 6 October 2012

Creativity and Our World

I've been added on facebook to a fab group, Arts Gateway MK (please go on fb and Like it!)  I never realised the artistic population out there was so immense: I had a hint when writing my play and planning to involve local artists, for there are many around here, but the entire family is massive.

For those who haven't noticed, Creativity is really spreading quickly like a virus - see the Doppio Gioco blog I'm following.

Creativity is one of the most positive energies that are definitely moving around swiftly from mind to mind, from heart to heart, and touching the Soul of this World, and I'm thrilled to see that this is not only happening through easy access to technology, but through any form of Art.

I have always believed that through our human being's blueprint we were all given artistic talents: all of us can dance, sing, play an instrument, draw, paint, etc.  It only takes practice to find out what You're really good at!

If You ever craved to do something artistic, I suggest that You give it a go and start living the dream as soon as You can.  And ditch the conditioning that You haven't got the time, since time is only an illusion - in other words... stop making excuses!



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