Wednesday, 5 December 2012

A quote dear to me!

Didn't we all have dreams when we were young?  But the reality of making a living took over when we had to pay our bills, rent our apartments, raise our families, and take care of others.  We sacrificed our dreams, repressed them, or delegated them to the background until they were so far away that we forgot they ever existed.  
Lucinda Bassett

You should know I'm a collector, an unusual one: I'm a collector of Words! Since my teenage I've been collecting quotations!

Quotations can be an inspiration to many, words that can brighten up a dull day or task, words that can give birth to new ideas, that can produce those rare Aha! moments we all need in our life!

Through quotes, I have often felt a relief in realising that what happened to me is common to other people, one of the reasons that led me to engage in blogging for my project.  I am aware that I'm not an isolated case, that many others like me have put on hold or completely forgotten their dreams, and I really hope this project will inspire as many as possible to go search the path they were meant to walk, because I strongly feel and believe this is the right time!

I'm also aware that this project might not be successful, but it feel fantastic to be able to work on it and try to make it work.

Things are progressing in many ways, links and networks are forming, and I have been put in front of the bold reality that it is certainly hard work but it's worth it! I must thank Pasco Kevlin for invaluable advice on how to apply for a grant: this guy might not be there in one month time since the Arts Council is changing and cutting on many of its services  ¬_¬

Blessings x

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