Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I have added today another interesting blog, although not my thing but could be useful to viewers, especially if You are in the UK!

As expected, soon after releasing this idea for the play into the world, my hands have started producing more and more creative ideas: words just flow right through my fingers on to the keyboard, I have no idea where exactly I stored so many!

I also have no clue why I write with stage and/or camera in mind... Wouldn't it just be easier to write books? I guess, though, this might be linked with my background, and what I've been involved with in the past.

Looking at other blogs, I've also realised that this blog it's not about politics, religion, science or society in general as we might see it: it's simply about recording the birth of creative ideas and see them grow into a performance.  This journey is more a discovery than anything else and, although it's pretty personal, I feel it links me with many other people around the World who have had, or are about to have, a creative burst where their creativity could no longer be contained inside them - either in their brain or heart, or both!  Therefore the only way is to express it!

So I won't write about Nick Clegg and the raising university fees or the Math teacher that disappeared with a 15 year old student. In fact, my mission, if I dare calling it that way, is to write about stories that will never make the news!

That's what this play is all about: it's about stories that very few people have noticed, stories that may happen behind close doors but that could change a person's view on what life is at a certain age.  

Not by chance, the subtitle of A Day In The Medical Room reads "Any reference to people or facts isn't fictitious at all!"

I hope to bring good news from my co-director and a new choreographer next time I write here with more details about them!  :) 

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